Try to let them know that we are ready to fight. Quite probably our trial licenses will no longer be generated in an automatic way (we already are not providing trial licenses automatically when the requesting IP comes from some countries, due to the big volume of false/fake requests). We are considering several possibilities. Change the current trial licensing system. This may require a renewal of all user licenses. Design and implement a new protection system, even more sophisticated, and hence more difficult to understand. What can we do about this? As far as we know, only three things: It is also evident that this cracked copy corresponds to a 30-day trial version. The next step will be carried out by a much more competent hacker, who will have the necessary knowledge and tools ?and will be sufficiently paid? to understand our protections. However, it is evident that someone has traced our application and found the point where it calls the license validation routines. This work has probably been made for 30 USD, or perhaps less. This crack is the job of a poor aprentice: limitation #2 on the screenshot above shows that he has been unable to understand our protection system. The patch in question, by the way, includes a Trojan virus (we have verified it).

So far we have been observing some people requesting cracks or cracked copies, but this time we have solid reasons to believe that at least one of those copies exists, along with its corresponding patch. This is the first time we have evidence that PixInsight has been pirated. Warning: the files linked in the above page may contain viruses and other malware ?we assume no responsibility for any damages caused as a result of interacting with the page shown above. We have made a screenshot, since with high probability the above page will disappear soon.